Family of 3

Family of 3
Tuscaloosa for the day

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May-T is 5 months already!!

     I really can't believe how fast time is flying by. T is already 5 months. People told me time would fly by but I really didn't expect it to be quite this fast. I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital. Not long ago she needed to eat every 2-3 hours and sleep all day. I didn't now what she wanted when she cried. I was scared to hold her, change her clothes and her diapers. I was so scared she was going to break. I would hold her and stare at her thinking how scared I was to be responsible for her. I didn't think I would ever get this whole "Mommy" thing. Well now, I feel pretty darn comfy and good at it. I have learned what each little whimper and cry means and what she wants when she does them. I also know what she means when she makes certain faces or when she squeals. And of course, there are things I still have no clue about. I still needs lots of advice on things but I feel much more comfortable. I LOVE being a mom. I wouldn't change it for the world and I am so glad that I get the change to experience it.
     Tenley has settled down into her own little schedule for now. I know it will change a million times but for right now, we have a good thing going. She has her certain times of the day where she eats, sleeps, and plays. She is constantly squealing and talking lately. She goes Ba Ba Ba Ba, Da Da Da Da, Ahhhhhh!! Its hysterical. She also squeals at the top of her lungs. She just babbles and I love it.
     She has also started this really clingy stage. Of course, I don't mind it at all cause anytime I get to love on her and cuddle, I am a happy girl. But lately anytime I put her down, she screams till I pick her up again. She also screams when I walk out of the room for 2 seconds. She will be down on her play gym and if I am not looking at her or talking to her and playing too she will scream. She is learning how to work me and I may need to let her cry it out a little.
     She is turning into such a little girl. She is starting to try to sit up. She is still working on the balancing thing but each day she does it more and more and is really getting the hang of it. She is also still loving the standing thing. She hold onto our fingers and stands on the floor or in our laps. It cracks me up thought because she is so little doing all of this. She is 5 1/2 months and is still in 3 month clothes. She is so little.
     This Mother's Day meant so much more to me. I have a completely new love and respect for my Mom. I know what its like to love a child now. I know now how much she loves me and my siblings and I understand now why she said and did things the way she did. You wear your heart on your sleeve when you have a child and you will do anything to keep them safe. She is such an amazing mom and I hope I can be as great of a mom as she is. And I hope Tenley and I can have the same closeness and relationship that my mom and I have.
      May is also a new month for Brett. He is starting a new job my 16th. After being in the mortgage business for 5 years and a few months of terribly slow business and no paycheck he decided to take a new job. He did a lot of praying and thinking and decided to take a big job. He will now be THE Alabama Sales Rep for Acranet (a company based out of MS). He will be selling Mortgage Products to Mortgage Companies throughout Alabama. He will be traveling all over the State selling. He is so pumped about this new adventure. I know he will doing great at it.  And hopefully by Christmas, I will be a full-time stay at home mom!!! ; )
     As you can see, May hold lots of new adventures for the Shaw Family!! We can't wait to see what God has planned for us in the future.


1 comment:

  1. I am happy for you guys it seem like things are going very well. I can't wait until i am a father, so i guess i better get that marriage part out of the way first. I wanna be a stay at home dad i think i would be really good at it.
