Family of 3

Family of 3
Tuscaloosa for the day

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Beach Bums!!

So, on Thursday at about noon, we decided to just leave for the beach after work. Brett's parents own a condo down in Orange Beach so we are able to go pretty often. This was Tenley's first Beach Trip and also, her first lenghty car ride. We were a little worried about it. It was kind of a learning experience on what to pack up and stuff. Well it went perfect. Our baby is THE BEST baby ever. She slep the whole 4 hour trip there and back. Each day out on the beach, she barley made a peep. She would just lie in her PeaPod tent and rub her foot around in the sand. She didn't really care for the water washing up around her feet tho. It was a little too cold for her likeing.

As far as sleeping in a new place and bed goes, she did amazing. I think the sun wore her out. She has been rotating between her Pack n Play in our bedroom at night and her crib during the day. Well, at the beach we didn't have those so she slept beside our bed, on the floor, on her changing pad. SHE LOVED IT!! Friday night, she slept 10 hours and last night she slept 12 hours. She is too perfect.

We will definitely be making a lot more trip to the beach this summer. I hope she continues to do so great and be such an awesome baby!!

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